Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Emma's Birth Story

Both of my girls will celebrate a birthday within the next month . So I wanted to post their birth story (I will also have a record so I will not forget the details). I will begin with Emma my almost 6 year old.

 We found out we were expecting our first child in mid December 2005 (December 14 if I remember correctly). We were ecstatic. We would be traveling to Altus Oklahoma for training the next week after the holidays with our families. We decided this would be the best time to tell them, although the anticipation was killing me! We bought them all a card disguised as a Christmas card that had a magnet inside that read "A Baby Is A Gift From God" with a poem. We made them open the card after all the presents had been opened. Their reactions were amazing and a moment I will never forget. We spent the next 3 months in Oklahoma. While we were there we had our first ultrasound and then a gender ultrasound. Our little one was so relaxed and well lazy, we could not get a "clear shot". If you know Emma know you know this fits her personality! We then visited family again before returning to Washington. After our return we had another ultrasound with our new doctor and found out we were expecting a girl!!!!

My pregnancy with Emma was fairly easy. At 5 months along I started developing migraine headaches (I later found out were hormone related) which the doctor thought was related to blood pressure. My blood pressure was slightly elevated toward the end and I retained a lot of water but Emma was very healthy. I had two baby showers one in Washington given by my best friend Tiffany and one in Kentucky given by my Mom, my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law. We decided on Emma Lee. Her first name was the only name we agreed on and her middle name was chosen from my mother-in-law's middle name. Here are some pregnancy pictures and then I will post her story of her birth under:

My due date was August 14. My doctor and I decided to induce on August 8. I was to be at the hospital that night, but there was miscommunication and was actually suppose to have been there that morning and did not know. I woke up not feeling well. I called the doctor and they told me to just go on in to the hospital. I arrived at 11:00 am. I was monitored and having contractions that were 5 minutes apart. The contractions continued all day but nothing else was happening. They started me on pitocin in the evening and my contractions were closer and stronger. At 1:00 am I received pain medication in my I.V. because I was not dilated enough for an epidural. The contractions were very strong and quick. Finally at 4:00 am my water broke, and I received the epidural an hour later. I slept off and on till about 8:00 am. Creg left to get my mom at that time. I started feeling a lot of pressure around 9:00 am, the nurse checked me and said it was time to push. They called the doctor and I called Creg telling him he needed to hurry back. Most of this time was a blur. Creg and my mom arrived and I started pushing. For those of you that know my husband knows that the birth was something he did not do well with. He was on the "sidelines" cheering me on! There was a miscommunication again between the hospital and my doctor and she still had not arrived an hour into pushing. Finally after two hours of pushing the doctor walked in and within 5 minutes Emma was taking her first breath! Emma Lee was born August 9, 2006 at 10:56 am in Spokane Washington. She weighed 6lbs 13 oz and 18.5 inches long. Here is my "labor of love":

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