Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ella's Birth Story

We found out we were expecting our second child November 11, 2010. We were traveling back home to Kentucky in a few weeks to celebrate Thanksgiving and an early Christmas with our families so this was the perfect time to reveal our big announcement. I bought Emma a shirt that said "Big sister". I put it on her and let the fun begin. Some of our family members caught on right away and others it took a few minutes to process!

My pregnancy with Ella was an easy one even though between weeks 16 and 28 we had to deal with a deployment. We had our first ultrasound mid February. Since Creg was deployed we decided to have the technician right the baby's gender on a paper and seal it in an envelope and we would open it when he could call on Skype. I was of course anxious all day he would call, I just wanted to know. I had a suspicion from the beginning that we would be having another little girl. He finally called that evening. I opened the envelope and held it up to the camera (I still didn't know) and he said I can't read it lol! So I turned it around and read "It's a girl"! I was so excited, I loved having a girl and couldn't wait for another little princess to dress up. Creg got back from his deployment in May and we had a 4d ultrasound. We then decided on her name: Ella Bree. Her first name is after my paternal grandmother Ella, and her middle name is condensed version of my maternal grandmother Trubie. In July my brother-in-law and his wife came to visit for the weekend. My sister-in-law helped me finish the baby's room. My mom arrived a few days later. My best friend had a baby shower and we prepared for baby. Here are some pregnancy photos:

I was scheduled for an induction on July 25 at 6:00 am. The night before I was so uncomfortable and having horrible back pain. I was already dilated to a 3. I arrived at the birth care center here in Wichita a little before 6. We got situated in a room and I was hooked up to a monitor. The back pain I had been feeling was back labor, I was having contractions. At 6:40 I was started on pitocin. My water broke at 8:30 while bouncing on a birthing ball. They came in at 9:30 to start the epidural. The back pain was so bad I was in tears. It was so hard to hold still while they were doing the epidural. They finished with the epidural a little before 10. The nurse said the baby's heartbeat was dropping so they were going to roll me over on the other side and see if they could hear the heartbeat better. As soon as they rolled me over I said I had to push. The nurse checked me and said I was ready! Creg of course backed up (remember birth is not his forte). It all happened so fast. I remember rolling over on my back and the doctor was there ready to go. A female resident delivered Ella while my doctor coached, and Creg watched from a safe distance. This birth compared to my first was so much easier and faster. Ella Bree was born July 25 2011 at 10:16 am in Wichita Kansas. She weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 18.5 inches long! My second labor of love:

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