Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Kindergartner

Emma finished kindergarten a few days ago, so I thought I would post about her year in kindergarten. I can not believe she will soon be a first grader *insert tears*! I was so nervous at the beginning of the year, I was worried about many things. About her being in school all day, her behavior and how she would perform in school. Needless to say the first week was a nervous one. We made it through and she quickly adapted to going to school, even though up to the last day she had trouble waking up in the mornings. She received green lights everyday for good behavior. We are so proud and are going to reward her (this will be another post soon). We were blessed she went to a great school and had an amazing teacher! She has learned and grown so much in the last year. Here are pictures of her throughout the year:

                                                            First day of school

                                                                    Picture day
                                                    Emma became a Daisy this year!
                                                                       Field trip

                                                                Last day of school

It is so hard to believe how fast she is growing up, seems like yesterday I was holding her for the first time in the hospital. Now she is a spunky little girl and her personality is blooming. We are excited for what 1st grade holds!

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